This is an independent family law paralegal blog founded by Debbie Long. The opinions expressed here by “Debbie” from 2013-2015 are personal, and not those of her employer. All subsequent postings are the personal opinions and/or work product of Berner Klaw & Watson LLP (BKW) paralegals.
Paralegals are not attorneys. Any information derived from The Family Law Paralegal, and any other statements contained herein, are for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice or a recommendation on a legal matter. Although our content is not guaranteed to be correct, complete or current, we make every effort to ensure the accuracy of information as of the date posted. We offer no warranty, express or implied, about the reliability of information provided, or to any other website to which this website or articles may be linked. A link to an external site does not imply an endorsement of the views, information or products provided or held by such websites.
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