Ode to Roy & Kevin

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Been there, done that – didn’t think I’d be walking down the divorce road ever again. But this one won’t require the services of Berner Klaw & Watson like my first divorce:  my gay “husband” is leaving me and is taking his partner – who has also become my husband’s “partner” – along with him to Florida. For those who don’t know us, I’ll clarify that we are neighbors who have also become great friends.

Roy and Kevin’s imminent departure will leave a void that reminds me somewhat of a divorce. No more joint grocery shopping, dinners, movie nights and casual chats about our days and the meaning of life, much like a marriage. Roy and I are the cooks and the indoor “girls” (their words), while Kevin and Hal are the outdoor guys — the gardeners and fixer uppers; the ones sharing countless trips to Home Depot, Home Goods and Lowes. When Hal and I travel, I’ll sometimes take a picture of the local Home Depot and text it to Kevin to ask if he’s jealous.

Kevin and Roy have watched us raise our blended kids, enough to know that they didn’t want any of their own even though they would make fantastic parents. Lord knows I’ve tried to talk them into adopting and looked for a baby to leave on their doorstep. Hmm, maybe that could be their new housewarming present . . .

We are lucky to live in a neighborhood where, for the most part, everyone is accepted regardless of race, religion or sexual preference. Neither Hal nor I were looking for new friends when Roy and Kevin moved in; we just connected. I’d hate to think of the endearing friendship we would have missed out on if either of us was homophobic. From the horror stories Kevin and Roy have shared regarding their prior neighborhood, I can only hope these two good, no, great men will be appreciated in their new community for the decent human beings and good neighbors they are. In a perfect world, everyone would evaluate people for who they are as a whole and how they interact as individuals. Nothing else.

So, why I am sharing this with you? The answer is simple. Although paralegals can’t give clients, or anyone for that matter, legal advice, we can certainly empathize with them, especially family law paralegals. Maybe more than therapists – because not everyone is in therapy – we’ve heard it all, believe me; some of which we’ll do our best to share with you here. So, stay tuned!


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